Minkowski Yang–Mills solutions
The lightcone-interior can be foliated with unit-hyperboloids `H^3` using a temporal foliation parameter `u` (as shown on the left) while the lightcone-exterior can be foliated with `3`-dimensional de Sitter space `dS_3` using a spatial foliation parameter `u`. Moreover, the symmetric spaces `H^3` and `dS_3` are isomorphic to non-compact coset spaces built from the Lorentz group `SO(1,3)`: `H^3~=SO(1,3)//SO(3)` and `dS_3~=SO(1,3)//SO(1,2)`. Keeping this in mind and using dimensional reduction on `RRxxG//H` with gauge group `G=SO(1,3)`, we employed a `G`-invariant connection one-form `ccA` in 'temporal' guage (this essentially boils down to the fact that `ccA` depends on a single-variable field `phi(u)` varying with `u` to obtain analytic Yang–Mills solutions in a recent work. The resultant field equation for `phi(u)` turns out to be a Newton's equation for an inverted double-well potential, whose solutions are well known in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions. The color electric- and magnetic-fields and the corresponding stress-energy tensor are singular at the lightcone, but the latter can be regularized. Furthermore, future/past halves of the lightcone are isomorphic to the coset `SO(1,3)//ISO(2)`, but we do not have a foliation here and hence no dynamics. This work is compactly presented in a submitted proceeding.