
Minkowski Yang–Mills solutions

The lightcone-interior can be foliated with unit-hyperboloids `H^3` using a temporal foliation parameter `u` (as shown on the left) while the lightcone-exterior can be foliated with `3`-dimensional de Sitter space `dS_3` using a spatial foliation parameter `u`. Moreover, the symmetric spaces `H^3` and `dS_3` are isomorphic to non-compact coset spaces built from the Lorentz group `SO(1,3)`: `H^3~=SO(1,3)//SO(3)` and `dS_3~=SO(1,3)//SO(1,2)`. Keeping this in mind and using dimensional reduction on `RRxxG//H` with gauge group `G=SO(1,3)`, we employed a `G`-invariant connection one-form `ccA` in 'temporal' guage (this essentially boils down to the fact that `ccA` depends on a single-variable field `phi(u)` varying with `u` to obtain analytic Yang–Mills solutions in a recent work. The resultant field equation for `phi(u)` turns out to be a Newton's equation for an inverted double-well potential, whose solutions are well known in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions. The color electric- and magnetic-fields and the corresponding stress-energy tensor are singular at the lightcone, but the latter can be regularized. Furthermore, future/past halves of the lightcone are isomorphic to the coset `SO(1,3)//ISO(2)`, but we do not have a foliation here and hence no dynamics. This work is compactly presented in a submitted proceeding.

Cosmic Yang–Mills fields

Lately, Daniel Friedan has tried to explain the early cosmological epoch as a coupled Einstein–Yang–Mills–Higgs system with a `SU(2)` gauge field in a conformally flat (spatialy closed) background. A `SO(4)`-symmetry is then imposed on the system that makes the Higgs field vanish. The proposal only works until the Electroweak energy scale after which `SO(4)`-symmetry is violated and the Higgs field rolls down to it's minima as shown in the figure on the left. Explicit time-dependent solutions for the scale-factor and the remaining scalar field (after the symmetry is imposed on the gauge field) are given in terms of two different sets of anharmonic oscillators. We have analysed the stability of such solutions against arbitrary linear perturbations of the gauge field in a recent work. The time-dependent eigenmodes that arise after linearising the Yang–Mills equations depend on the `fr su(2)` spin values `j` and needs to be analysed for different spin cases. We have used the Floquet analysis to study the stability behaviour of these modes for up to `j=2` and found that they are all unstable.

Electromagnetic knots

The study of electromagnetic knots—those EM fields whose field-lines form closed non-trivial knots like the ones shown on the left with electric (red) and magnetic (green) field lines—has been an active area of research among a section of theoretical physicists ever since Antonio F. Rañada first introduced them in 1989. Interestingly, some of these simple knot configurations, including the one with figure-eight topology, have been experimentally realized lately, using laser beams with knotted polarization singularities. A new method of constructing families of such knot solutions using a de Sitter–Minkowski conformal correspondence, while passing via a finite `S^3`-cylinder, was recently proposed that would complement the other existing methods. These basis-knot solutions, characterized by spin `j` of `S^3`-harmonics, could be used to formally expand any finite-energy, finite-action field configuration. We have studied several symmetry aspects of such basis-knot configurations like relation between energy and helicity, classification of null fields, and transport of electromagnetic flux across the Penrose diagram. We have also computed Noether charges associated with the conformal group for an arbitrary linear combinations of such basis configurations for a fixed `j`. More recently, we have analyzed the trajectories of charged particles in the background of such knotted electromagnetic field confingurations with the aid of numerical simulations.

Quantum spaces

It has long been argued that the quantum structure of spacetime is discrete and the observed classical continuum of spacetime is an emergent phenomenon. The famous models of such space(time) has a characteristic configuration-space fuzzyness, analogous to a quantum mechanical phase-space, and cures the well known issue of gravitational collapse at small length scale as proposed here. The geometry of such spaces can be studied using the spectral triple toolkit of Noncommutative geometry, developed by Field medalist Alain Connes. The distance between any pair of generalized points, technically known as pure-states, in such a setting can be computed using these spectral triples consisting of 3 mathematical objects: a non-commutative algebra, a Hilbert space and a Dirac operator. We have thoroughly investigated the geometry of two such models: the `2`-dimensional Moyal plane and the `3`-dimensional Fuzzy sphere by revising a previous calculation and providing a new, almost general, result for arbitrary spin-`j` `fr su(2)` representation of the Fuzzy sphere (a peculiar result for `j=1//2` is demonstrated on the left). Unlike others, we perform our calculations using a Hilbert–Schmidt operatorial formalism thus avoiding any issues arising from the choice of star products. We also studied another model called the doubled Moyal plane where we reproduced the "Pythagoras theorem" between different sets of pure states and demostrated the emergence of Higgs field from the internal fluctuation of the Dirac operator.


Jul, 2023 — present

Institute of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin

I currently have a short-term postdoc position at HU Berlin and am working with Nichol Furey funded by her Freigeist grant from Volkswagen Stiftung. I am working on various applications of the 4 division algebras in particle physics and spacetime.

Mar, 2023 — Jun, 2023

Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna

This short visit to ESI, funded via the Junior Research Fellowship of the Institute allowed me to initiate a fruitful collaboration with Harold Steinacker. This work on emergent gravity from the IKKT matrix model is the topic of an upcoming research paper.

Oct, 2018 — Jun, 2023

Institute for Theoretical Physics (LUH), Hannover

I worked with Olaf Lechtenfeld on various aspects of spacetime geometry in classical gauge theory during my tenure, first as a doctoral scholar and later as a postdoc. This included works on de Sitter space for both Abelian (EM knots) and non-Abelian (cosmic gauge field) cases during PhD and on symmetric spaces as well as anti-de Sitter space during postdoc.

2013 — 2018 (multiple short visits)

S.N.Bose National Center for Basic Sciences, Kolkata

I visited Bose Center numerous times to collaborate with and learn from Biswajit Chakraborty. A major chunk of my research with him on Noncommutative quantum mechanics and Noncommutative geoemtry happened during three separate summer visits of over 2 months each. In total, these collaborations yielded 3 published articles.

Compiled works

For a better overview of my papers, including citations, please visit my InspireHEP or arXiv profile. Below I list my works for a ready reference.
  1. Savan Hirpara, Kaushlendra Kumar and Olaf Lechtenfeld, Exact gauge fields from anti-de Sitter space arXiv:2301.03606 [hep-th].
  2. Kaushlendra Kumar, SO(1,3) Yang–Mills solutions on Minkowski space via cosets arXiv:2212.01341 [hep-th].
  3. Kaushlendra Kumar, Olaf Lechtenfeld, Gabriel Picanço Costa and Jona Röhrig, Yang–Mills solutions on Minkowski space via non-compact coset spaces Phys. Lett. B 835 (2022) 137564, arXiv:2206.12009 [hep-th].
  4. Kaushlendra Kumar, Solutions of Yang–Mills theory in four-dimensional de Sitter space Leibniz Universität Hannover, Diss., 2022, viii, 95 S., arXiv:2202.12215 [hep-th]. [Mathematica-notebook]
  5. Kaushlendra Kumar, Olaf Lechtenfeld and Gabriel Picanço Costa, Trajectories of charged particles in knotted electromagnetic fields J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 (2022) 315401, arXiv:2202.00169 [math-ph]. [Mathematica-notebook]
  6. Kaushlendra Kumar, Gabriel Picanço Costa and Lukas Hantzko, Conserved charges for rational electromagnetic knots Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137 (2022) 407, arXiv:2106.05952 [math-ph].
  7. Kaushlendra Kumar, Olaf Lechtenfeld and Gabriel Picanço Costa, Instability of cosmic Yang–Mills fields Nucl. Phys. B 973 (2021) 115583,
    arXiv:2102.08401 [hep-th]
  8. Kaushlendra Kumar and Olaf Lechtenfeld, On rational electromagnetic fields Phys. Lett. A 384 (2020) 126445, arXiv:2002.01005 [hep-th].
  9. Kaushlendra Kumar and Biswajit Chakraborty, Spectral distances on doubled Moyal plane using Dirac eigen-spinors Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 086019, arXiv:1711.00653 [math-ph].
  10. Yendrembam C. Devi, Kaushlendra Kumar, Biswajit Chakraborty and Frederik G. Scholtz, Revisiting Connes' Finite Spectral Distance on Noncommutative Spaces: Moyal Plane and Fuzzy Sphere Int. J. Geo. Meth. Mod. Phys. 15 (2018) 1850204.
  11. Kaushlendra Kumar, Shivraj Prajapat and Biswajit Chakraborty, On the role of Schwinger's SU(2) generators for Simple Harmonic Oscillator in 2D Moyal plane Eur. Phys. J. Plus 130 (2015) 120, arXiv:1312.3095 [math-ph].



  1. Aug 18, 2023 @Room 316 meeting (Bal) "Emergent gravity from the 1-loop effective action of the IKKT matrix model" [Video] [Slides]
  2. Jul 27, 2023 @QTS12 conference, Prague "Exact gauge fields from Anti-de Sitter space" [Slides]
  3. Jun 28, 2023 @Lechtenfeld's group meeting, Hannover "Emergent gravity from the 1-loop effective action of the IKKT matrix model"
  4. May 4, 2023 @ESI, Vienna "Exact gauge fields from Anti-de Sitter space" [Slides]
  5. Mar 15, 2023 @Solitons at Work (online) "Exact gauge fields from anti-de Sitter space" [Video] [Slides]
  6. Aug 23, 2022 @String theory journal club of DESY, Hamburg "Yang–Mills solutions on Minkowski space via non-compact coset spaces" [Slides]
  7. Jul 18, 2022 @GROUP34 conference, Strasbourg "Yang–Mills solutions on Minkowski space via non-compact coset spaces" [Slides]
  8. Mar 16, 2022 @Solitons at Work (online) "Yang–Mills solutions on Minkowski space via non-compact coset spaces" [Video] [Slides]
  9. Jun 1, 2022 @Lechtenfeld's group meeting, Hannover "U(1) gauge theory in noncommutative geometry" based on [Dungen & Suijlekom, 2012]
  10. Apr 20, 2022 @Lechtenfeld's group meeting, Hannover "Spectral triple with real structure on fuzzy sphere" based on [Chakraborty, Nandy & Chakraborty 2022]
  11. Dec 1, 2021: @Lechtenfeld's group meeting, Hannover "New Yang-Mills solution on T_+"
  12. Jul 7, 2017 @S.N. Bose Center, Kolkata "Spectral distances on doubled Moyal plane" [Slides]
  13. Nov 4, 2016 @DPS journal club IISER, Kolkata "Angular momentum & simple harmonic oscillator in noncommutative Moyal plane" [Slides]
  14. Jul 11, 2016 @S.N. Bose Center, Kolkata "Connes spectral distance on non-commutative spaces: fuzzy sphere & double Moyal plane" [Slides]


  1. Jul 24–28, 2023: The 12th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries at Prague, Czech Republic. [Link]
  2. Feb 06–17, 2023: Vortex Moduli at ICTS Bangalore, India (online). [Link]
  3. Jul 18–22, 2022: The 34th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics at Strasbourg, France. [Link]
  4. Aug 02–07, 2021: International Congress on Mathematical Physics & Young Researchers Symposium at Geneva, Switzerland. [Link]
  5. Jan 15–19, 2018: Quantum Groups & Noncommutative Geometry at NISER Bhubaneswar, India. [Link]


  1. Aug 29–Sep 09, 2022: 28th Saalburg Summer School "Modern methods in QFT" at Bayrischzell, Germany. [Link]
  2. Aug 30–Sep 10, 2021: 27th Saalburg Summer School "Gravitational waves and Black holes" at Heigenbrücken, Germany. [Link]
  3. Aug 31–Sep 11, 2020: 26th Saalburg Summer School "QFT, Integrable system & string field theory" at Heigenbrücken, Germany. [Link]
  4. Sep 23–27, 2019: Summer School "Special Holonomy—Geometry and Physics" at Freiburg, Germany. [Link]
  5. Sep 02–13, 2019: 25th Saalburg Summer School "Assymptotic symmetries and Hamiltonian formulation" at Heigenbrücken, Germany. [Link]
  6. Nov 06–24, 2017: Preschool & Advanced school "Geometry, Groups and Dynamics" at ICTS Bangalore, India. [Link]